Regimes, Askham Grange

The   primary focus to Askham Grange is the maintenance of decent and respectful relationships between all who live, work and visit there, and the community benefit of pro-social modelling. Support in achieving positive family relationships and learning is provided in parallel with educational and work skills and personal development.

Medical Facilities

 Medical support is via NHS North Yorkshire and York Health care provider, the Harrogate and District Foundation Trust IDTS/mental health provider, and NHS North Yorkshire and York

Acceptance Criteria for new prisoners

Maximum 2 years to PED, 5 years to NPD. All assessed as suitable for open conditions. Not subject to any restrictions under PSO 4400. No positive MDT/VDT in last three months. Must have completed Offence Focused Work. Must demonstrate that they are drug free by agreeing to sign up to Compliance Testing. Minimum of three months to serve. Cell sharing risk assessments must be low. No medical condition that requires 24-hour cover. Women on a detoxification programme should be stabilised for four weeks before coming to Askham Grange and be on a methadone dose no greater than 40mgs Other factors to be considered: Any proved adjudications in last six months. Previous F2052SH/ACCT history, risk to children, Schedule 1 Offenders; regimes for disabled prisoners by prior arrangement, security comments – closed visits etc, arsonists.

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