Work & Education at Low Newton

Work and Orderly Positions: The prison provides the work opportunities in Gardens which provides plants for use in the prison and are sold externally, BICS training courses as well as the usual orderly roles within the prison.

Education: Education at Low Newton is provided in conjunction with Manchester College. It offers the usual basic courses in numeracy and literacy, as well as more advanced courses in areas ike ITC. The prison run vocational training in VQ Call Centre Operator and Hairdressing plus a wide variety of part-time courses including Cookery, Art, Craft, Fashion and Beauty. Prisoners are encouraged to take advantage the Education Department facilities and “take up” levels are very high.

Library: Separate from the Education Department and support by a part time visiting librarian.

Learning Shop: ad hoc learning facility with computer based packages which are provided by the Learning Prison partnership. This facility allows prisoners to learn at their own pace

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