Regimes HMP Bure

The prison has a Listener scheme overseen by the Samaritans which operates to support offenders needing to talk to a peer. There is a daily “drop in” which includes resettlement and housing assistance, Citizen advice bureau, financial and debt management advice, Job Centre Plus and Alcoholics Anonymous.

Offending Behaviour Programmes

HMP Bure delivers a number programmes specifically run to meet the needs of the establishment’s sex offender population. These programmes are currently

  • CORE Sex Offender Treatment Programme (SOTP) and the Extended SOTP.
  • ‘Healthy Sex Programme’ (HSP).
  • High Intensity SOTP, which is a new programme and runs alongside the Core SOTP
  • The Thinking Skills Programme (TSP) is also available for prisoners.

These programmes are all run by NOMS East of England Psychological Services.

Medical Facilities

The medical facilities are provided by the NHS, and include Addenbrookes Hospital Cromer and District Hospital, Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, James Paget Hospital and Horizon Health


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