General Information HMP Wayland


HMP Wayland originally opened in 1985 as a purpose build prison. Since then there have been extensions and additions erected and now there are 11 residential units and a segregation unit over a large site. Wayland has been designated a resettlement prison and opened a new Category C personality disorder unit early 2014.


  • A: Normal location, high-risk cell sharing risk assessment (CSRA) – mostly single cells
  • B: Normal location, high-risk CSRA – mostly single cells
  • C: Normal location, high-risk CSRA – mostly single cells and constant supervision cell
  • D: Integrated drug treatment system and normal location, high-risk CSRA – mostly single cells
  • E: Wensum unit. North side: lifers and those serving an indeterminate sentence for public protection. South side: normal location – single cells and constant supervision cell
  • G: Rehabilitation of Addicted Prisoners trust (Phoenix); short duration drug programme; over-50s – single cells
  • J: Enhanced and category D unit
  • K: Normal location – double cells
  • L: Normal location – double cells
  • M: First night and induction
  • N: Normal location – double cells P
  • IU (formerly protective isolation unit): Single cells, enhanced
  • Reintegration unit (segregation)

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