Regimes at Full Sutton

Full Sutton, in common with almost all male prisons, requires the prisoners to be engaged in either full time work or education. The following additional facilities are provided

Gymnasium: The gymnasium provides both recreational and vocational training. All training and courses receive awards from nationally recognised bodies and many of the courses are linked to all main areas i.e. education, employment and physical activity. This especially applies to the ‘Basic Skills’ level programmes. Resettlement advice and some pre-release work is available through the education department, trained staff and links with external agencies.

Healthcare: The Healthcare centre has a full-time Medical Officer and there are 6 beds available in the centre, with an additional 2 safer cells and a crisis suite.

Drugs Strategy: Prisoners with problems of drug abuse are identified by their personal officers and sentence planning boards. Drug support officers on all wings can refer people to a CARATS worker. Arrangements for treatment, counselling and rehabilitation include medical treatment on request, awareness training from the education department, and counselling from the CARATS team. The prison uses the services of a number of outside agencies, including CARATS, which is represented on the prison’s Drugs Strategy Team. The prison is represented on the local East Riding Drug Action Team. A programme of voluntary testing is available and the prison offers the FOCUS drug rehabilitation programme

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